Saint Colomban, The source miracle; first sketch; 40x30 cm; watercolor and gouache on paper; 2023; artist\' s collection

Scenografy for the concert Mellani in Saint Louis of the French; 35x40 cm; waterolor and tempera on paper; 2024; private collection (Italy)

Frontispice for a baroque concert; 35x25 cm; watercolor and tempéra on paper; 2024; artist’ s collection

Scene sketch for the Oratorio Atalia (Francesco Gasperini); 150x110 cm; oil on canva; 2023; artist\'s collection

First scene sketch for the Oratorio Atalia; 30x20 cm; watercolor and gouache on paper; 2023; artist\'s collection

First scene sketch for a concert on the Spanish Steps (Rome); 25x27 cm; watercolor and gouache on paper; 2022; artist's collection

Scene sketch for a Corelli concert in the gardens of Farnese Palace (French Embassy in Italy); 40x50 cm; oil on canva; 2022; artist's collection

Spanish Place and Spanish Steps (second sketch for a scenography); 37x42 cm; tempera on paper; 2022; artist's collection