Project of a ceiling representing The Seven Churches Pilgrimage, seventh sketch; 230x160 cm; oil on canva; 2024; artist\'s collection

Project of Forty Hours theater, fourth sketch; 200x120 cm; oil on canva; 2022; artist’ s collection, confided to Trinity of Pilgrins church ( Rome)

The Seven churches Tour, project of ceiling (fourth sketch); 170x120 cm; oil on canva; 2020; private collection (France)

The seven churches Tour (project for a painted ceiling, third sketch); 90 x 60 cm; oil on canva; 2019; artist's collection

The seven churches Tour (second sketch for a project of painted ceiling); 55 x 45 cm; oil on canva; 2018; artist's collection

Santa Maria in Vallicella (Rome), the nave; 100 x 75 cm; oil on canva; 2018; private collection (germany)

The Seven-Church Walk, project for a ceiling; 30 x 40 cm; tempera on paper lined on canva; 2018; private collection (France)